Living, Loving and Working Together.
Little did you know when you first got together that one day you would be working together in more than a romantic partnership? Now you are working together in business or considering this next step?
World demands are new and anything but the usual.
From when you fell in love and made your first partnership to the life you are living now, so very much has changed and you can equip yourself with the tools and strategies to face these.
Are you a great couple in your private life?
Do you seem to be able to get a lot done in your relationship and at home?
Perhaps you thought that this would transfer to your business as well?
It may never have crossed your mind how hard it could be to work together in your business endeavors and try to keep the spark alive at home.
Everyday in every way the two of you may be together. You may have work projects and home projects every moment of every day. Gone are the times of relaxation and talks about the day, supporting your partner and just being at ease together.
I know from being in my partnership for 37 years and owning a business together that it can take every ounce of you to manage these worlds. Struggles are complex and the answers require more than talk nice, compromise and get along.
The issues that you’re facing now are common for business owners and curiously enough they’re the ones that are common in couples therapy.
Year after year, couple business owners come to work on intensive parts of their relationship so they can feel more delightful, relax and be free and easy in their relationship both at home and “at the business”.
Being a business owner can be one of the most flexible, enlivening and rewarding methods to support your family and the life that you want to lead. It really can help you achieve your dreams in life.
Couples with the right strategies and the right message can develop a romantic and collaborative relationship that will help them keep that strong a couple Bon that helps them Thrive.
You can be that couple that has it all, your love, you life, your business. You can be successful and enjoy the life of your dreams.
Learn if this is right for you Request A No Obligation Complimentary Consult Call.