

Perhaps you’ve never heard of me. Perhaps you have but you’ve never heard of Specialist Couples Counseling, Sex Therapy or Affair Recovery Healing. Perhaps you know neither me nor Speciality Couples Counseling and Affair Recovery Healing.

If not I INSIST you read the success stories and unsolicited love notes below.

These are the star pupils, the Hermiones if you will.

Read them and see that none of the people are so different from you…no rockstars or brain surgeons, no special magic. Just ordinary folks like you and I. The only difference is Specialist Couples Counseling and Affair Recovery Healing. Think about the difference that can make for the two of you.


My wife and I are doing well, VERY WELL in fact.

“By going through your coarse, my wife and I gained insight into each other and ourselves that wouldn’t otherwise have been possible. What made this so valuable to us is that we did it together. The efforts that we made and the time spent was all done together. We invested in the process together and the product was new growth, together.

We find ourselves able to be tender again. We’re able to be compassionate, and understanding too. For all this, we’re better spouses to each other and far better parents to our children. That makes our experience with you just about the most beautiful thing I can imagine. Thank you”
~Husband age 45 married with two children

” I am grateful for your guidance in learning these new tools to better understanding how to be there for one another. We spent most of (the next) day talking with one another making sure we both felt safe before broaching a subject and even during the conversations. It was really uplifting, relieving and hopeful to our future as a couple. I do look forward to keeping in contact with you. “
~Couple Mid 40’s Affair Recovery Retreat

Our intimacy is stronger than ever before. We still have our weekly meetings and have compromised on some really big things for us. We have actually made some breakthroughs.”

“Monica, My wife and I are doing well, very well in fact. You’re assistance has been an incredible help to us, and we can’t thank you enough. It’s been a success story! There are ups and downs, hills and valleys, but we always end up using the techniques that you’ve shown us. You have saved us, and we will be forever grateful for that. And I personally am grateful, helping me to understand and evaluate my PTSD. You’ve saved me, Monica. So thankful for you”

Just Got Married Yesterday

Hi Monica! So WE got married yesterday!! And it really couldn’t have gone better. 🙂 But we just wanted to say thank you for being our awesome counselor and for all the help you gave us to prepare for our lives together. We hope other couples can benefit from pre-marital counseling from you like we did!

Thanks again

“I am grateful for your guidance in learning these new tools to better understanding how to be there for one another. We spent most of (the next) day talking with one another making sure we both felt safe before broaching a subject and even during the conversations. It was really uplifting, relieving and hopeful to our future as a couple. I do look forward to keeping in contact with you.”

My husband and I are doing WONDERFUL!! All the little things we have learned from you we still use! If it wasn’t for you and your communication teaching we would not be where we are. This last year has been the best year of our lives!! Take care and as always thank you so much for all you have done!

If I could share one thing about our experience with Monica, it is that every marriage can use the guidance of a therapist like her. She told us that the, “M” in marriage stands for, “maintenance.” I believe that the maintenance techniques she taught us have helped our marriage grow stronger than it could have been without her guidance.

We highly recommend Monica!


This Valentine’s Day is being brought to you by……YOU! When I reflect on our love and marriage, I am thankful for the work that you helped us partake in. It’s hard. Really hard. But so worth it. Our family is not only surviving but thriving, thanks to your guidance and help. It’s not perfect and still many ups and downs along the way, but we have each other. Many thanks to you.

Happy Valentines Day.


You have taught us so MUCH I wish I had KNOWN EARLIER in our Marriage.

My husband and I were at a critical point in our marriage. Communication was difficult and I was struggling to have my feelings validated and addressed. In addition to that, I was struggling with depression and anxiety and it was taking a toll on my physical as well as emotional health, almost to the point of not being able to function on a daily basis.

By going through your course, my wife and I gained insight into each other and ourselves that wouldn’t otherwise have been possible. What made this so valuable to us is that we did it together. The efforts that we made and the time spent was all done together. We invested in the process together and the product was new growth, together. We find ourselves able to be tender again. We’re able to be compassionate, and understanding too. For all this, we’re better spouses to each other and far better parents to our children. That makes our experience with you just about the most beautiful thing I can imagine. Thank you.

My husband and I are doing WONDERFUL!! All the little things we have learned from you we still use! If it wasn’t for you and your communication teaching we would not be where we are. This last year has been the best year of our lives!! Take care and as always thank you so much for all you have done!